Our services include full Home Theatre design and installation as well as Distributed Audio, Control, Hi Fi & TV Installation services.
Colour Calibration Service
Your new television out of the box has it’s colour set at a factory
somewhere. By having a professional calibration done in your home, you
can experience the colour your TV is capable of in your environment. It
doesn’t take that long and you will love the difference it can make. LoveMy TV is ISF Certified so you can be confident that colour
calibration will be carried out to get the best picture that your
television can deliver.
Using the latest tools including computer based calibration and reporting specifically for your TV.
Sound System Tuning and Integration, Surround Sound Installation
You have got your DVD and TV hooked up to your stereo. But is it putting
out the correct sound and are the speakers balanced for best effect.
With the right balance, your sound system can make all the difference in
the experience of the movie or the game. LoveMy TV can adjust your
sound system to get that experience. Or help with advice for you to get a
system that delivers what you want.
Cabling and Custom Installation
Where do all those cables go? What is an input and an output? Cables can
be a significant cost in the purchase of a system and selection of
incorrect cables can affect the quality of what you see and hear. Choose
quality brands and HDMI cables that are certified for the results you
want. Before you spend a fortune, give us a call and check what you
need. Or LoveMy TV can source suitable cables for you. The wrong cables
can make the difference between you getting real digital quality or not.
For the money you have spent on your television and sound system, it is
worth the investment to get the cables right without being ripped off.
TV Installation, Custom TV Installation
LoveMy TV can install the TV system you purchased at Big W or K-Mart
or off E-Bay. As we are not aligned to a particular store, we don’t mind
where you get your system. No matter where you get your new TV or HiFi
system, when you need help to make it work well, give us a call. From
the clock to the cabling to getting it on the wall. A bit of help from
LoveMy TV will have you watching your TV sooner.
As a member of CEDIA and a CEDIA Certified Installer. You can be confident of quality workmanship.CEDIA Installer.
Pre Purchase Consulting TV Purchase Advice
Want a home theatre system that suits you, but doesn’t break the bank.
Don't know where to go?? The Home Theatre shop costs a bomb, the
department store kids don’t know. Let LoveMy TV join you shopping. We
can guide you based on experience and industry knowledge. Helping
prevent you being ripped off and maybe even help you negotiate a better
price. The money you spend could save you heaps.
Remote Control Madness Universal Remote Control
Where did all those remote controls come from?? What do they all
do?? Are you frustrated at never being able to put your hands on the
remote you want? Do members of your home have to wait till someone who
knows what they are doing is there, for them to even watch TV? Talk to
us about a range of solutions to help end your remote control madness.
The choices are as wide as your imagination. But there is one to suit you and your budget. LoveMy TV can make it easy for you.
LoveMy TV can provide and program remote controls from the
professional range of Universal Remote Controls, to the more economical
Logitech Harmony range.